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Meet the members of the research group
Core research group members are researchers form University of Zagreb: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Geodesy. Working closely with core group are senior advisors and external affiliated members as well as graduate students. Project funding includes two PhD recruits and one PostDoc recruit.
Find more details below.
Gordon Gilja - principal investigator

Since 2018 he holds the position of associate professor at Department of Hydroscience and Engineering. His PhD thesis titled “Influence of apparent bedload velocity on migration of 2D superimposed dunes” was awarded Best doctoral dissertation in the field of civil engineering for year 2014 by Croatian Association of Civil Engineers. He participates in international and domestic research projects, organization of scientific conferences, reviews papers, and conducts teaching activities. Under the Department of Hydroscience and Engineering he is the head of the field survey team, which includes coordination and supervision of the activities related to field survey campaigns. He is ECTS coordinator on Faculty of Civil Engineering and actively promotes internationalization of the Faculty.
Antonija Harasti - PhD candidate

She graduated in 2018 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, with the thesis “Hydraulic design of the inlet structure of a small hydropower plant”, supervised by assoc. prof. Eva Ocvirk and assist. prof. Gordon Gilja. She received Rector’s award titled „Improvement of the characteristics of the river threshold by modifying the arched shape“ and “Hrvatske Vode” award for best graduate thesis in the Water Management field. In 2018. she enrolled postgraduate doctoral study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and employed as assistant at Department of Hydroscience and Engineering where she currently works in research and education activities.
Kristina Potočki - researcher

Currently, she holds position of assistant professor at the Department of Hydroscience and Engineering at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering. She participates in national and international research projects and her teaching activities are in subjects of hydrology, fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering. Her main research expertise relates to the application of time series analysis and black-box models in hydrology and water management but is also interested in multidisciplinary research that includes hydrology and water related topics, e.g. interaction between forests and water and application of nature based solutions for flood risk management. She is a member of International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Croatian Hydrological Society and Croatian Society for Irrigation and Drainage.
Matej Varga - researcher

He is a passionate geodesist with wide interests in all other engineering fields which need high-quality geodetic and geophysical data. Since 2012 he works on the Faculty of Geodesy, Univ. of Zagreb, on a position of postdoctoral researcher on international and national scientific projects, and as a teaching fellow on several subjects at undergraduate and graduate studies. His interests are physical and geometrical geodesy, with special focus on regional gravity and geomagnetic field surveying and modelling. Until 2020, he published around 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals. In this project he researches the application of real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data in monitoring of bridges.
Nikola Adžaga - researcher
Robert Fliszar - PhD candidate

He graduated summa cum laude from University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering in 2020, with the thesis “Turbulent characteristics of flow in technical fish passes” for which he received “Hrvatske Vode” award for the best graduate thesis in the Hydroscience field. In 2020 he has been employed as an assistant at Department of Hydroscience and Engineering where he works full-time on the project R3peat. He also enrolled postgraduate doctoral study at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Martina Lacko - PhD candidate

Since 2020, she has been employed as a research assistant in the Department of Hydroscience and Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, where she simultaneously enrolled a postgraduate doctoral study. She graduated summa cum laude in 2020 from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, with the thesis: “Preliminary design for constructed wetland for wastewater treatment of Jaskovo and Mali Erjavec”.